10:00 AM10:00


  • Eileen Blodgett Art at ASiF Studios (map)
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Join us for a day dedicated to Springtime Mixed Media Flowers at ASiF Studios. Bring a lunch and settle in to create your vision of a colorful, inspiring spring meadow. Immerse your self in the possibilities of whimsical painting, collage, drawing and more as you learn new techniques and play with mixed media components on canvas along with a group of like-minded creators. No experience necessary.

Workshop fee of $95 includes all materials, instruction in a comfortable, supportive studio environment.

Blooms and Blossoms Spring Mixed Media Workshop with Eileen Blodgett

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to Apr 27

Acrylic Painting Sessions at ASiF Studios

  • Eileen Blodgett Art (map)
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4 Week Acrylic Painting sessions with Eileen Blodgett and Denise Wey

Join us in the Painting Studios at ASiF Studios for one of our next 4 week sessions of Acrylic Painting Classes. Sessions are offered monthly from September through May. This unique class, which has been ongoing for nearly 5 years, is taught by 2 artists, Eileen Blodgett and Denise Wey, with a combined 30+ years of painting and teaching art. You get plenty of support in a comfortable studio atmosphere.

NEXT: Feb. 2,9,16,23

$140 per 4 week session.  Info and Registration: https://www.asifstudios.com/acrylic-painting-with-eileen-denise

Eileen composing a still life.

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10:00 AM10:00

Mixed Media "Garden Window" Workshop at ASiF Studios

Eileen’s “Garden Window” detail. (from the collection of L. Gianforte)

This popular mixed media workshop returns to ASiF for a second opportunity to develop your “green thumb” right in your paint smock - no garden clogs needed!

Join us for a cozy, creative day indoors at ASiF Studios - learning some new mixed media visual arts techniques, while making your own “Garden Window” inspired painting on 11 x 14 stretched canvas. It’s a great way to “bring the outside inside” as we dream about warmer weather.

We will first design a painted back ground - and then create (with mixed media) the components of what will be in your unique garden window. We will put it all together in this one day workshop, so bring a lunch and roll up your sleeves in our “greenhouse” studio. All materials are included, but feel free to bring your own collage material and photos of your favorite plants and pots.

$120 includes all supplies, materials and instruction.

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1:00 PM13:00

Small Works Sip and Create Mixed Media Workshop is full. Please contact Eileen for the wait list. Consider the February 1, 2025 Mixed Media workshop: "Garden Window".

Join Denise Wey and I as we all settle in and create a few small, colorful, whimsical mixed media paintings on 8” x 8” cradled wood panels together. Learn many new mixed media techniques with collage, paint, stencil, mark-making, printing - and more- in the comfortable, supportive painting studio at ASiF Studios. Relax… there will be beverages and snacks to enjoy while you explore your personal creative expression with other like-minded adventurers.

January 11 Small Works Sip and Create
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9:45 AM09:45

Autumn Mixed Media Workshop at ASiF Studios

Join us for an engaging day of mixed media with Eileen and fellow creatives as we use collage, paint, printmaking and more techniques to welcome our next season: Autumn. We’ll be working on canvas and using colorful mixed media collage, acrylic paint, printing and mark-making techniques to channel your impressions of Fall. All materials are included, but you are welcome to bring your own collage material as well. $120. Enrollment limited, register early.

At ASiF Studios 940 Idaho Md. Rd. Grass Valley, CA. 10AM - 3 PM

October Tahoe Meadow

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10:00 AM10:00

June 1 Blossoms and Blooms Mixed Media Workshop

Join us and rekindle your creative spirit and welcome summer by growing your own blooms and blossoms on canvas with fun mixed media techniques using paper, collage and paint in the painting studio at ASiF Studios in Grass Valley. Bring a lunch and settle in to make a colorful mixed media garden or bouquet that lasts all year long. Learn new techniques and enjoy playing with color and design.

All materials and instruction are included in the $120 workshop fee. Join us! For more info and to register:

Contact Eileen Blodgett: eileen@eileenblodgett.com

space limited, so register early.

Register here:

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to Jul 30

MIDSUMMER ART RETREAT with Eileen Blodgett and Denise Wey 2 DAYS - July 29 and 30

  • Eileen Blodgett Art (map)
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Like an Art Camp, but for Adults!  You asked and we created it! 
Mixed Media ~ Acrylic Painting ~ Watercolor Painting ~ and more!
In this 2-day workshop, we will immerse ourselves in at least three different 
creative projects,  lead by Eileen & Denise.
Absolutely no experience necessary! Wear comfortable painting clothes and bring a bag lunch, we will have coffee, tea and snacks.
All supplies included!

Curious? Want to chat about it?- contact Eileen or Denise: eileen @eileenblodgett.com, or dwey @denisewey.com

It all happens at ASiF Studios 940 Idaho Maryland Rd. Grass Valley and spaces are filling up.

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10:00 AM10:00

Intuitive Mixed Media Workshop June 3 10-3 ASiF Studios. $85 all materials included

Join us for a full creative day in the studio. Bring a lunch and spend the day exploring mixed media: paint, paper collage, mark making, design and more.

We ‘ll be learning new painting techniques, working with various color palettes- all on heavy paper. Tap into your playful side as we work on several unique pieces in one day.

Workshops tend to fill quickly. To learn if a space is still available, contact me at:


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to Jun 30

Floralia: Exhibit of Floral Art at 7 Stars Gallery 210 Spring St. Nevada City

“Maia” Entitled honoring the Roman Goddess of May. 48x30 mixed media on canvas.

My floral-inspired paintings will be exhibited with 3 other artists at the 7 Stars Gallery, 210 Spring St, Nevada City. Open Friday- Sunday 11:00-5:00.

Join us at the Opening Reception

Sunday, June 11th 2:30-5:30 PM

210 Spring St. Nevada City

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10:00 AM10:00

OCTOBER Mixed Media Worksop Abstract Explorations (formerly offered in July.)

Midsummer Mixed Media Abstract Explorations on paper. Playing with design, mark-making, color palettes and collage.

Join me and other like-minded art adventurers as we “let go” and spend the day working and playing with design, paint, mark-making, color, and bits and pieces of things to create several works on heavy paper.

Class fee: $85 and all supplies are provided, *but bring your own additional unique, creative bits and pieces along with you. This is a fun personal puzzle of creativity!

The workshop is held at ASiF Studios Painting and Drawing Studio, 940 Idaho Maryland Rd, Grass Valley, CA. We begin at 9:00 AM and end around 2:00 PM. Bring a lunch and something to drink- Stay hydrated!

Sign up early as class size is limited.

Contact me at: eileen@eileenblodgett.com with any questions or alternate payment methods.

Mixed Media on paper in gold, gray, dusty plum, cream, black and white.

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10:00 AM10:00

Mixed Media Class May 21, 2022

Join Eileen and like-minded creatives for a Spring adventure in the Mixed Media Studio at ASiF Studios. Bring a lunch and channel “Spring Vibes” onto a canvas with acrylic paint and collage. This project involves negative painting using your favorite palette!

Blossom Bird

Eileen's Classes
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3:00 PM15:00


2021 Nevada County OPEN STUDIOS TOUR! 2 weekends: Oct. 9/10 and 16/17 It’s a great time to visit artists! I am a virtual participant this year, due to a brand new family member arriving - please arrange a private visit to my studio by contacting me. My new virtual visit VIDEO is here:

https://youtu.be/AVh3Ax7zxsc Take a look!

Please visit ART WORKS GALLERY to see more of my recent work - right in historic downtown Grass Valley, CA - at 113 Mill Street. You can also pick up a tour directory there, so make it your first stop.

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9:00 AM09:00

Welcome, Summer! Saturday, August 7 9:00AM -1:00 PM $85

“SANGRIA” Summer still life in mixed media on canvas by Eileen Blodgett

“SANGRIA” Summer still life in mixed media on canvas by Eileen Blodgett

Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”
— Bruce Garrabrandt

Create a colorful, original new mixed media still life on canvas with paint, paper and collage. This class is all about a slice of YOUR Summer!

Bring a snack or lunch and enjoy a morning of creative expression with other like-minded folks in a supportive studio environment. Learn as you go- all about color, design, texture, collage, and more.

Included in the $85 workshop fee is:

an 11x14 canvas, acrylic paints, brushes, stencils to share, collage paper and expert instruction.

(Please bring additional collage papers too.)

NOTE *This is an “in-person” class at ASiF Studios. Vaccinations required to attend as per ASiF Guidelines. See below:

*ASiF is creating a COVID-SAFE ZONE so groups of vaccinated students & teachers can meet safely!
Interested Students & Members please send an image of your vaccination card to
Amanda Paoletti, ASiF Owner-Director - and contact your teacher to register!

940 Idaho Maryland Rd. Grass Valley CA 95959

Questions? Register?

Email Eileen at: eileen@eileenblodgett.com to register-

or call: 530-277-9919

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to May 2

NEW YEAR, 4 New Sessions of Painting and Mixed Media

  • Eileen Blodgett Art (map)
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“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

Spring gives us opportunities to observe the rebirth of life, the growth of nature’s living things, like trees, budding plants, new birdsong, rain - and more daylight. We tend to find our own way of moving outward and practicing our ideas and skills with a new energy. Intentions are blooming, ideas are springing to life and It’s a great time to create! We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM as we start more lessons.

Each session fee is $100 for 4 classes. It is much easier for us to offer classes in a session of 4 weeks. (We will record for those who may miss one.) But we also offer the option of a drop-in class for $30 per week for those who, for whatever reason, cannot commit to a session.

Upon registration, we will send you a supply list for what’s needed for each 4 week session. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Eileen or Denise…we are happy to chat. Eileen Blodgett. 530-277-9919

Denise Wey 530-559-9112

Misty Garden 10x10 inches Art Works Gallery113 Mill Street, Grass Valley

Misty Garden 10x10 inches Art Works Gallery

113 Mill Street, Grass Valley

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 10.23.10 PM.png
detail from :”Daphne”

detail from :”Daphne”


SESSION 1: JANUARY JAN 10, 17, 24 & 31

SESSION 2: FEBRUARY FEB 7, 14, 21 & 28

SESSION 3: MARCH MAR 7, 14, 21 & 28

SESSION 4: APRIL 11, 18, 25, & May 2

*sign up for a session and save or sign up for individual classes

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Welcome to Acrylic Painting sessions with Denise Wey and Eileen Blodgett. We have been very grateful to have been able to continue our weekly painting classes with our students throughout the past year, with the help of technology and Zoom- and with an extraordinary group of painters, who also enjoyed the chance to paint together from their homes. Now that we are entering the time of year where we renew ourselves with possibilities and more daylight, it may be the perfect time to continue your creative process - or to just get started, if you are a beginner. All classes are scheduled to meet through Zoom - until we are able to safely gather again at the studio. Once that happens, we hope to also offer distance learning via Zoom in our studio classroom.

Still Life with Orange

Still Life with Orange

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to Oct 17

OPEN STUDIO TOUR 2020 Nevada County Open Studios

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Eileen Blodgett

Studio # 27 in Nevada City

Enjoy the Fall colors in Nevada County and visit artist studios in Nevada City and Grass Valley over the course of 2 weekends!

Saturday and Sunday

October 10 and 11 & 17 and 18

*Outdoor and studio visits observing Covid safe social distance, masks required.

Eileen at work in her studio

Eileen at work in her studio

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